National Dog Day 2020

National Dog Day

August 26, 2020

As sensitives / empaths, most of us are more comfortable and connected to animals than we are to people.


If you remember the animals name and not the owners name, you are one of us. If you gravitate to, and interact with the animals at a social gathering, more than the humans, you are one of us. If you greet all the animals that cross your path when you’re out and about, you are one of us. If you can’t imagine life without an animal companion, you are one of us.


During this pandemic, animal companions have become even more important in our lives.


Taking time today to celebrate this boy, and how much he enriches my life. So happy for the time he has been with me and my family, spreading his love and joy. Love you Quinn, always.



* Legal Notice: All content © Debrah Rose 2020 all rights reserved.



#nationaldogday #debrahrose #animalcompanions #empath #sensitive #grateful #frenchbulldog #dog #dogs #love #unconditionallove #todaysguidance #stepawayfromtheillusion #connectwithyoursoul

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